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HAMC AUSTRALIA keeps a list of all Crews / MC's it holds either a Friendly or Enemy standing with.

Friendlies / Ceasefire

As an 81 WORLD HAMC Chapter, we are friendly with all HAMC's & all 81 WORLD Chapters across the game. This also includes any and all HAMC Support (Puppet Clubs). As well as any MC we have a Friendly / Ceasefire Relationship with. We don't purposely shoot ANYBODY that we are Friendly with, no exceptions.


Learn all the Crew's / MC's we are friendly with by going to the "Friendlies (Ceasefire)" List we have below this section in the "Club Relations" tab. 

Enemies (Kill on Sight)

As an 81 WORLD Chapter, we are Enemies with all Crews / MC's that 81 WORLD is Enemies with. In addition, we are Enemies with any MC's that "Support" or Associate themselves with an Enemy. We also have a few MC's we have met accros GTA: Online, that due to certain "Events" that took place, we are Enemies with. When HAMC AUSTRALIA Members encounter an Enemy / Kill on Sight MC, they are tasked with killing them all untill they are all Pushed Out (read the 1% Bylaws for more infomation on what to do if you ever encounter an Enemy MC). 

Learn all of the Crew's / MC's we are Enemies / Kill on Sight with by going to the "Enemies (Kill on Sight)" List we have below this section in the "Club Relations tab"


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